Bahuru & Baduku Marimba Bands
Dance in the Park with Bahuru & Baduku Marimba Bands
Saturday July 20 @ noon
Shore Acres State Park, Charleston
Event Sponsor Friends of Shore Acres
Bahuru, is a 15-member Zimbabwean marimba band, composed of middle and high school students. Bahuru has established a reputation for their wonderful, energetic performances in Washington’s Mid-Columbia region. The name Bahuru is from the Zimbabwean translation for big marimba, marimba huru, contracted to simply Bahuru.
The Baduku Marimba Band, is the newest member of the TCSBA family. Its members are middle school-age kids. They went on their first tour in the summer of 2012. The name Baduku came about because the older band, Bahuru, is a mashup of Marimba and Huru (big). Duku means small in the Shona language of Zimbabwe and since the band is smaller and younger, it became Baduku for “small marimba”.
- Bahuru & Baduku Marimba Bands
- Bahuru & Baduku Marimba Bands
- Bahuru & Baduku Marimba Bands
- Bahuru & Baduku Marimba Bands
- Bahuru & Baduku Marimba Bands